Our Mission: Empowering Your Fitness Journey

VPT.FIT combines the power of human expertise and artificial intelligence to create a fitness experience that FITS YOU!

Our Core Values


What we say we will do


Doing what we say we will do


How we do what we say we will do


Speak honestly and listen clearly.


Always give our best effort


Working towards a common goal

The Team Behind VPT.FIT

David Echevarria

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

David is a former semi-professional athlete with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

He has  trained athletes from youth through the professional levels.

Ashley Twynam

Co-Founder and Chief of Strategy

Ashley is a licensed doctor of physical therapy and former college athlete.

Her guidance helps clients to optimize movement and prevent injury.

Joe Kresz

Chief of Fitness and Nutrition

Joe is a licensed personal trainer and expert fitness professional. 

His knowledge has guided many to reach their health and fitness goals.